13+ Hrs of Never-Before-Seen Footage (Covidland 3)

13+ Hrs of Never-Before-Seen Footage (Covidland 3)

Covidland has been an enormous success, and people keep asking to see all the full interviews from the series. Well, on Aug 1st, we will start releasing all of the full interviews from Episode 3 of Covidland and upload them all by the end of August on VHX. In total, there are over thirteen hours of never-before-seen footage that you can purchase for only a little over $2.50 for each interview.

When you purchase this, you will not only gain access to all the full interviews, but you will also be helping us in the future funding of the series.
-Del Bigtree
-Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
-Alex Jones
-Dr. Andy Wakefield
-James Lyons-Weiler
-Ty Bollinger
-Dr. Carrie Madej
-Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
-Dr. Eric Nepute
-Dr. Andrew Kaufman
-Dr. Simone Gold
-Dwayne Stovall
-Dr. Judy Mikovits
-Daniel McCarthy

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13+ Hrs of Never-Before-Seen Footage (Covidland 3)